
Introducing the Go Light Catarafts Elevate your whitewater adventures with the latest innovation in lightweight catarafts, exclusively built for Go Light Outdoors by SOTAR! Built Tough, Built Light These catarafts are crafted from the same rugged, lightweight urethane fabric as the renowned Rogue and Merlin series, with customizations that take […]

The Latest in Lightweight Catarafts   Recently updated !

Go Light Outdoors is pleased to announce the availability of “Escorted” trips to Ecuador this fall (October/November)! These are small-group (4 to 6 people) trips for people that bring their own equipment down with them. A few inflatable kayaks and kayaks may be available locally to rent at additional cost. […]

New Trips for 2018!

I agree with the G. Loomis mantra “weight is a deterrent to performance” and want the lightest, strongest, components I can get. According to their website: The wait is over. Another revolutionary breakthrough from North Fork Composites and EDGE Rods. This time – OAR technology. Extending the day and […]

Trying out the lightest oars out there!

Think you can’t travel internationally with your cataraft? Maybe you THINK you can’t but with one of our “International Travel” packages you CAN. I brought the first one down to Ecuador in December 2016 and another one in 2017; all traveled on the plane as baggage from LAX. You can […]

International Travel with a Cataraft? You Bet!

Always wanted to travel to exotic places like Ecuador, Costa Rica, Peru, and other boating locations around the globe with your own boat? Well, now you can. Go Light Outdoors has put together an “International Travel” cataraft package in both standard and deluxe versions that allow you to take a […]

New “International Travel” cataraft package.

Well, I finally made it. Ecuador! Whitewater Boating! I am happily staying at Hostel Zumag Sisa in Tena for the time being.  A nice family run place that is definitely affordable. Tena is a great little city with most everything and outdoor activities abound. But I’m here for the whitewater. […]

Greetings from Ecuador!

Just wrapped up a new cataraft, oar blades, and seat for an upcoming trip to Ecuador. Small enough package for the airlines and under 50 pounds to boot (44 actually) so have room for more river stuff. Next up is my custom Whitewater Machine Works day frame at about 35 […]

Traveling Light

We are pleased to be a representative for Jack’s Plastic Welding out of Aztec, New Mexico. Their boats are lightweight and tough with welded seams and are made in the USA. Their drybags are used by many of the commercial outfitters around the west and their legendary Paco Pads are […]

Now Offering Jack’s Plastic Welding Products

Well, finally got use my new Watershed Dry Duffle on a multi-day trip and I LOVE it. The Yukon model is just the right size for me. There was plenty of room for everything I needed to take on our 8-day trip down the Rio Mulatos/Aros/Yaqui in northern Mexico. The […]

Love my Watershed Dry Duffle

Now is the time to order Cataract Oars by Advanced Composites! We offer great pricing and we can have them shipped directly to you; ORDER NOW SGG – Designed to flex like wood and rebound like carbon, the SGG transfers muscle power into stroke power, providing the most definitive oar […]

Great Pricing on Cataract Oars and Blades

Lacey on the Selway
No, you don’t have to go on a diet, just downsize your raft or cataraft and frame! We own four 12.5 and 13 foot catarafts and here are the weights on the sets of tubes: 30, 38, 43, and 45 pounds for each set. These are all SOTAR catarafts and […]

New Year’s Resolution? – Lose Weight!

If you answered yes, to the question above, contact us for a great price on a new JPW raft, cataraft, inflatable kayak or iSUP. We can probably save you some bucks and it will ship directly to you! Don’t forget about frames and oars. We can set you up with […]

Need a new boat next year?

  Yes, that’s me in the photo sporting my 12-year old Kokatat front-entry Gore-tex drysuit. I LOVE this suit and the company that makes it. You should too! About 5 years ago, I had the neck and wrist gaskets replaced along with the booties swapped out for Gore-tex socks. All […]

I Love Kokatat

Finally got to get the new custom Sotar “Rockette” cataraft on the water. What a shakedown cruise, the Class IV-V Illinois River in southern Oregon. Green Wall (Class V) is definitely a good test of both the boat and the rower’s ability. Overall, the boat is fantastic and does everything […]

New Rockette Design is Awesome

Henderson Frame for cataraft
Henderson Precision and Go Light Outdoors are proud to have donated one of our revolutionary new aluminum cataraft frames to the auction to benefit Cheryl. The auction frame will be one of our Heavy Duty Rowing modules for smaller (11 to 14 foot) catarafts with 18 to 22 inch diameter […]

Donation to the Celebrate Cheryl Auction

Sotar took my drawing and made a special pattern for the Go Light Outdoors “Rockette.” They even got this set of completely custom tubes made earlier than expected! The tubes are my latest design, a modification of our mini-Legend with more kick and rocker. At 12′ 6″ they are a great […]

Sneak Preview of our new cataraft design!

Here is a picture of our latest aluminum break-down day frame packed for travel. It really is quite small and probably weighs about 35 pounds. Very easy to deal with.  Full featured with scout rails, adjustable seat bar and yokes, adjustable oar towers, and obviously full break-down fittings.

See how small our frames break-down

Sotar ATV Kayak
I decided to get back into using an inflatable kayak for ease of transport to our out-of-country destinations and for extended trips. Our friend Zach Collier of Northwest Rafting Company designed a special inflatable kayak for pack-in extended trips that is now offered through Sotar as the ATV Kayak. Since […]

Setting Up the New Kayak

Yep, that’s me on the cover of the RiverMaps Guide to the Cherry Creek/Upper and Main Tuolumne River. Duwain Whitis apparently shot a bunch of photos in 2009 and selected this one for the cover.   I heard from a friend of mine that I might be on the cover. […]

I Made the Cover!

Yes, it’s time for our annual Fall Sale along with Sotar. Order your new boat now and save! Why order through us instead of Sotar directly? Good question. I have a good answer… We will meet Sotar’s fall sale price (20% off retail) on all boat orders through the month […]

Fall Sale Time