
New cataraft frames are now on the market. Features include light weight, with fully adjustable seat bar, scout rails, adjustable oar towers, and full breakdown into small package for shipping with stainless steel pins. Since they are full breakdown, they can be ship much easier and cheaper than a welded […]

New Frames For Sale!

Latest frame desing from Go Light Outdoors
We’ve been putting the prototype aluminum break-down frame to the test. The verdict? Works great on our small and large boats. It is really nice that the seat and oar towers are adjustable to fit any rower. It breaks down into 7 pieces (it even fits inside the cab of […]

Update on Frames

Many of Mexico’s best whitewater rivers can only be rafted during the monsoon season. This is when little creeks become raging whitewater rivers. We were headed for the put-in of the Mulatos-Aros river to do a one hundred and forty mile exploration. This would be a second descent. Our truck […]

Flash Flood Arroyo

Currently testing out a new frame design. Very similar to our existing steel frames, but this one is aluminum and much lighter. Features an adjustable seat bar, adjustable oar towers, and breaks down into seven compact pieces. Without the seat/oarloacks it weighs in under 25 pounds! If it works well […]

New Frame – Prototype

Interesting craft to say the least! Apparently about 30 sets of these hard plastic cat tubes were produced and are now owned by various people associated with rescue agencies, their friends, and several river rangers. They are about 11′ 6″ long and are not round tubes, but oval in cross-section, […]

Hard-shell Cats

Had a super time on the Box Canyon section of the upper Sacramento River near Dunsmuir, California. Talk about a tough put-in! Once on the water, it is a very fun stretch. Read all about it on the Trip Reports page!

Box Canyon

Another great day on the NF American, near Colfax, California for a great bunch of catarafters and rafters. The flow was an ideal level at 2.5 on the sight gage (maybe 1700 cfs down at the dam). I had lots of fun surfing in the first rapid (Slaughter’s Sluice), so […]

Cat’n on the NF American