Go Light Blog

In 2009 I was laid off from my teaching job for the last time. I decided to say goodbye to that old career and not look back. Instead of looking for another teaching job I returned to a lifestyle I love. I moved into my trusty 4×4 Toyota Tundra and […]

Sweet Obsession

Yep, that’s me on the cover of the RiverMaps Guide to the Cherry Creek/Upper and Main Tuolumne River. Duwain Whitis apparently shot a bunch of photos in 2009 and selected this one for the cover.   I heard from a friend of mine that I might be on the cover. […]

I Made the Cover!

Spent the morning at an open house at the Cal-Earth Institute learning about the very cool Eco-Domes and other housing made from the earth. We then visited with some alumni of their workshops that are building a complex near us in Joshua Tree called Bonita Domes.  I think we will volunteer […]


Yes, it’s time for our annual Fall Sale along with Sotar. Order your new boat now and save! Why order through us instead of Sotar directly? Good question. I have a good answer… We will meet Sotar’s fall sale price (20% off retail) on all boat orders through the month […]

Fall Sale Time

Wow, I finally figured out why the sidebar with the links and video moved from the side to the bottom during the last upgrade. Sorry for the inconvenience and sloppy look. Needless to say, my knowledge of PHP and HTML programming has increased…

Phew, Finally!

New cataraft frames are now on the market. Features include light weight, with fully adjustable seat bar, scout rails, adjustable oar towers, and full breakdown into small package for shipping with stainless steel pins. Since they are full breakdown, they can be ship much easier and cheaper than a welded […]

New Frames For Sale!

Latest frame desing from Go Light Outdoors
We’ve been putting the prototype aluminum break-down frame to the test. The verdict? Works great on our small and large boats. It is really nice that the seat and oar towers are adjustable to fit any rower. It breaks down into 7 pieces (it even fits inside the cab of […]

Update on Frames

Many of Mexico’s best whitewater rivers can only be rafted during the monsoon season. This is when little creeks become raging whitewater rivers. We were headed for the put-in of the Mulatos-Aros river to do a one hundred and forty mile exploration. This would be a second descent. Our truck […]

Flash Flood Arroyo

Currently testing out a new frame design. Very similar to our existing steel frames, but this one is aluminum and much lighter. Features an adjustable seat bar, adjustable oar towers, and breaks down into seven compact pieces. Without the seat/oarloacks it weighs in under 25 pounds! If it works well […]

New Frame – Prototype

Here is a recent article on-line at Canoe & Kayak magazine about our detention in Guatemala while trying to boat the Rio Copon. While it was very serious and we were lucky to make it out alive, it is obvious that these people feel very strongly about the local river. […]

More on Guatemala

Well, we weren’t able to run the Rio Copon. We were denied access to the river by the local villagers (to say the least). On the plus(?) side, we did make the Guatemalan network news and had several newspaper articles written about our attempt to run the river. Most of […]

No Rio Copon…

We had a really good time on the Rio Lanquin and Rio Cahobon. Thanks to Max, Paul, Josh, Peter, and Nils for being on the river with us, and Kike doing the shuttle along the river with lunch and gear. The best place to stay in Lanquin is the Posada […]

Great Rivers in Guatemala

Hola, I am finally on my way to Villahermosa, Mexico to catch up with Lacey who has just gotten off a trip on the Rio Usumacinta. Next, we are heading next to Guatemala to meet up with a group to hopefully run the Rio Copon and do our part to […]

Off to Guatemala!

I will be updating the website and blog over the next few days. If you are unable to access the blog, it probably is because it is being updated and moved around the server. Sorry for the inconvenience, but check back soon to see the new look for the New […]

Updates in Progress

We are now in Veracruz at the Language Immersion School for the next two weeks to improve our Spanish communication skills. We spent a couple of days at the Aventurec compound outside of Tlapacoyan and rafted the El Encanto section of the Rio Filobobos which we had done before – […]

Spanish Language School

Greetings from Oaxaca City where we are celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with the locals and dining on delicias mole negro. We are resting up after making a first descent of the Rio Tehuantepec and then a couple of runs on the Rio Copalita, including twice […]

Hola from Oaxaca

Headed back to Mexico to run some more rivers in Oaxaca. Maybe Veracruz if there’s time! Will try and post some pictures along the way.

Back for More!

Well, after our great adventure in Mexico, a lot of us returned to our “normal” lives and went back to work and such. Lacey and Rocky turned right around and drove down to Mazatlan to explore some more rivers. First up was the Baluarte. Rocky was kind enough to send […]

Wish I Was There!