No, it wasn’t done by the Go Light Outdoors team! Here is an excerpt of the story of the first known descent of the upper Rio Bavispe from Tres Rios to Huachinera back in the ’70s.
By S. Keith Bowman
When Karl Henry was a young explorer he had the good fortune to have Frank Hatch as his explorer leader. Frank was young and had a lot of experience in camping and hunting in the Sierra Madre Mountains. He also had an adventurous spirit and could inspire the boys to do something that had not been done before.
Karl came home full of enthusiasm and invited me to go with them on a raft trip down the Bavispe river beginning at Three Rivers and ending up in Huachinera Sonora. I had often thought of such a trip but had not quite made up my mind to do it. Now here was the opportunity to explore the fabled Bavispe river through the rugged Sierra Madre.
You can read the full story in my new Floater’s Guide to the Rivers of the Yaqui Watershed, available now on the Books page in a variety of formats.