Always wanted to travel to exotic places like Ecuador, Costa Rica, Peru, and other boating locations around the globe with your own boat? Well, now you can. Go Light Outdoors has put together an “International Travel” cataraft package in both standard and deluxe versions that allow you to take a cataraft, frame, and oars on most airlines. Note that there still may be additional charges for excess or oversize baggage, but our packages break down into two packages that meet the “standard” weight limit of 50 pounds per package.

All set for International Travel, including my personal gear in the blue dry bag.
These packages are travel and river tested, just look at the trip reports from Ecuador. We have also taken other packages to Peru; see those trip reports and trip offerings on Lacey’s No Coolers website. For a limited time, we are offering a discount of $100 on either of the “International Travel” cataraft packages. Print out your coupon here and order yours today.

Standard “International Travel” cataraft in action on the Rio Jatanyacu, Ecuador