Think you can’t travel internationally with your cataraft? Maybe you THINK you can’t but with one of our “International Travel” packages you CAN. I brought the first one down to Ecuador in December 2016 and another one in 2017; all traveled on the plane as baggage from LAX. You can do it too and transport down here is a breeze. Lacey brought another one down in 2017 and so did one of my customers. No problems with transport on the airlines.

Two Traveler cats on the Rio Mulaute

Assembled and ready for the maiden voyage on the Rio Jatanyacu

Works really well on rafting shuttles

Or kayak shuttles when deflated

And kayak shuttles when inflated

It even transports on the bus without breaking down the frame
This is what it looks like ready to travel. The long frame bag is approximately 10x10x72 inches and the boat travel bag is approximately 32x16x12.