Spent the morning at an open house at the Cal-Earth Institute learning about the very cool Eco-Domes and other housing made from the earth. We then visited with some alumni of their workshops that are building a complex near us in Joshua Tree called Bonita Domes. I think we will volunteer […]
Wow, I finally figured out why the sidebar with the links and video moved from the side to the bottom during the last upgrade. Sorry for the inconvenience and sloppy look. Needless to say, my knowledge of PHP and HTML programming has increased…
Phew, Finally!
I will be updating the website and blog over the next few days. If you are unable to access the blog, it probably is because it is being updated and moved around the server. Sorry for the inconvenience, but check back soon to see the new look for the New […]
Updates in Progress
Headed for the South Fork American River tomorrow. Should be a warm sunny, February day on the river. Light catarafts and lots of surfing if the flows are good. More later!
SF American Rafting
Woo Hoo! Got a bunch of the blog rebuilt today. Better than ever!
Getting There
Sorry for the latest round of confusion. Being new to the blogosphere I recently did something that killed the blog! I’m in the process of rebuilding it…