Our next trip on the Rogue River was a bit of a splurge, being somewhat expensive in our scheme of traveling light and cheap. It was worth it this one time to be able to spend time with our friends and celebrate their anniversaries. Staying at Black Bar and Paradise Lodges was a treat, especially in the rainy weather. Camping would have been pretty wet and miserable. It was great to have a private room, hot shower, and warm fireplace and good food every day. Rick and Cindy were there for their 10th anniversary after being married at Paradise Lodge on the Rogue, and it was Terry and Thea’s third anniversary. Paradise Lodge even made a special dessert for our party and served the happy couples dessert on special platters decorated with chocolate celebrating their anniversaries.
The Rogue River is arguably the most well-known whitewater rafting river in Oregon, with rapids like Tyee, Mule Creek Canyon and the infamous Blossom Bar. At over 5000 cfs on our trip, Blossom Bar was a relatively easy Class III in my opinion as most of the rocks were covered and there were multiple open routes. Mule Creek Canyon was full of swirly water and the waterfall on the left was flowing strong. Everyone took turns trying to get up close to the lower falls and I took lots of pictures. Here is one of the anniversary couples with big smiles.