Viva Mexico!

We just got back from leading a group down the Rio Tutuaca/Aros/Yaqui in the states of Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico. This area is spectacularly beautiful and comes alive (green!) with the summer monsoon rains. The trip was at medium to high water. The high water passed quickly but did reach almost 20,000 cfs one of the days! Twelve days of fun and excitement with a good group. This was probably the second boating trip down this section of the Tutuaca and the first with inflatables. We had three catarafts and two inflatable kayaks. While the IKers were novices, they both did really well, especially in the big stuff. Only a little carnage along the way! I just posted a more lengthy trip report on the Trip Report page, and for a taste of what it was like from one of the inflatable kayaker’s perspective, click here!

We will be leading more trips to Mexico in the future (2015) and will be looking for adventurous people to join us. Do you have solid Class IV boating skills? Are you tired of all the permits and rangers, and hassles just to get on a river in the USA? Do you want to experience something out of the ordinary? Are you game for an adventure? Are you unafraid to travel into and around Mexico? If you answered yes to ALL of these questions, check out our Trips page and contact us to let us know you are interested! While these trips are not for everyone, they will be the adventure of a lifetime for some.

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