Have you ever wanted to travel to exotic places like Ecuador, Costa Rica, Peru, and other boating locations around the globe with your own cataraft? Well, now you can. Go Light Outdoors has put together a variety of “International Travel” cataraft packages that allow you to take a cataraft, frame, and oars on most airlines. Note that there still may be additional charges for excess or oversize baggage, but our packages break down into two packages that generally meet the “standard” airline weight limit of 50 pounds per package. We offer two different models (sizes) of cataraft tubes in the International Travel packages. Our “Traveler-12” is 12 foot by 19 inch diameter and weighs a mere 30 pounds for the set of tubes. Our larger “Explorer-13” model is 13 foot x 21 inch diameter and weighs about 35 pounds for the set. Note that the packages DO NOT include oars which are left up to the customer choice and may be purchased from your local boating shop or from online retailers. We recommend the SGG shafts from Cataract Oars and their StreamLite or Magnum blades.
We also offer the “Big Wave” which is a 13 foot x 22 inch diameter model with the popular high-kick design (40 pounds per set). It is possible to travel with the Big Wave but the packages may end up being oversize and/or overweight depending on the airline baggage conditions. We recommend longer (9 foot) oars with the Big Wave. Carbon Fiber oars and blades help to keep the weight to a minimum.
If you have a frame, oars, or other accessories already, we offer just the tubes or can put together a custom package for you!

Packed up in the travel bags, ready for the airline.
Here is what you get in the Traveler-12 Package:
- Custom Jack’s Plastic Welding Cataraft Tubes – 12 foot long x 19 inch diameter with 2″ d-rings. These are built single chamber (no baffle) to save additional weight. Baffles can be added for extra security and you can still travel with this cat. Need a larger boat? Up-size to the Explorer package.
- Custom Whitewater Machine Works aluminum day frame that is fully adjustable and breaks down easily for travel. Complete with NRS low-back seat and Superstron or Atomic oarlocks.
- Minimal strap package for assembly – Eight (8) straps.
- Custom storage and travel bag for the boat – approximately 32″ x 16″ x 10″
- Custom padded travel bag for the frame and oars – approximately 6 feet long
Here is what you get in the Explorer-13 Package:
- Custom Jack’s Plastic Welding Cataraft Tubes – 13 foot long x 21 inch diameter with 2″ d-rings. These are built single chamber (no baffle) to save additional weight. Baffles can be added for extra security but it makes it more difficult to travel with this cat.
- Custom Whitewater Machine Works aluminum day frame that is fully adjustable and breaks down easily for travel. Complete with NRS low-back seat and Atomic oarlocks.
- Minimal strap package for assembly – Eight (8) straps.
- Custom storage and travel bag for the boat – approximately 36″ x 16″ x 10″
- Custom padded travel bag for the frame and oars – approximately 6.5 feet long
Contact Neil and he can put together a custom package and pricing for you. If you want just a lighter set of tubes, he can do that too! You can also add custom features to your boat. We also offer a custom under-seat bag built for our frames.
These packages are travel and river tested, just look at the trip reports from Ecuador. We have also taken these packages to Peru; see those trip reports and trip offerings on Lacey’s No Coolers website. There are both Traveler and Explorer cataraft packages in Ecuador that we use on our trips or they can be rented if you are headed down yourself. One of the Explorers can be set up as a passenger carrying boat with two seats. See our Trips page for the Ecuador (and other) trips we offer. Contact us if you are interested in a trip or rental.

The Traveler-12 cat on the Middle Jondachi river (Class 4/4+) in Ecuador